Short week

Skrivet den 2013-01-22 kl 17:29:20 i kategorin LIVET av Jenira

It’s already Tuesday and that makes it a short week yohooo. I had a relaxing weekend doing absolutely NOTHING. I have been cuddling with my blanket all day Sunday and I loved it. Yesterday was the Martin Luther King Day and the 2013 Inauguration when the President of the US puts his hand on the bible and signs in as the new president. I live like 20 min from DC but I didn’t feel like going by myself, and watching it live on TV in my bed was not bad at all. I was totally in love with Michelle Obamas coat. I am a coat freak for sure and I love pretty coats. I hope you all had a great weekend and it’s pretty cold outside today and probably the rest of the week. I mean, not that I go outside that much during weekdays.

Happy Tuesday friends….

I made lettuce tacos last night, a great and healthy choice.

I know its cold, but I always always crave my FroYo.



